Colloquium by prof. Atish Dabholkar on quantum black holes
We cordially invite you to a colloquium by prof. dr. Atish Dabholkar, director of the International centre for theoretical physics (ICTP) in Triste, entitled "Quantum black holes: an encounter between Hawking and Ramanujan".
The lecture is organized as a combined event of "Institute Colloquiums" and "Physics department Monday Colloquium" at FMF. It will be held on Thursday December 1 2022 at 1 PM. The lecturer will deliver a live lecture in the main Institute lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, followed by a small banquet.
Quantum black holes: an encounter between Hawking and Ramanujan
Black holes are an astonishing prediction of Einstein's general relativity with bizarre causal and quantum properties. Hawking discovered that in quantum theory a black hole is not really black but is slowly emitting radiation. Understanding the implication of Hawking radiation has proved to be a very valuable guide in our search to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics and to learn about the quantum structure of spacetime. Explorations of quantum black holes in string theory have led to unexpected connections with the mathematical structures created by the great Indian mathematician Ramanujan from a century ago. In this lecture I will describe the fascinating history, physics and mathematics of quantum black holes.